Privacy policy


We, a voluntary unincorporated group of GZO creditors (hereinafter also referred to as “we” “us” or “our”) are pleased about your interest in our initiative.

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. This privacy policy is aligned with the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (“FADP”).

With this privacy policy we inform you about the processing of your personal data on our website (the “website”) and about your privacy rights.

The term “personal data” in this privacy policy shall mean any information that identifies or could reasonably be used to identify any person.

1. Name and contact details of the controller

We, the group of GZO creditors act as joint controllers. Please direct any questions concerning this privacy policy or any other data protection matters to:

Gregor Greber et al., c/o Dynamics Group, Utoquai 43, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland


2. Collection of personal data as well as the nature and purpose of their processing

a. When visiting the website

When visiting our website, the browser used on your end device will automatically send information to the server of our website. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. This includes your IP address, the date and precise time of access and the pages viewed.

The data mentioned are processed by us for statistical purposes to optimize user experience. Furthermore, we use cookies when you visit our website. More detailed explanations on this can be found in section 4 of this data privacy policy.

b. Subscribing to our Newsletter

If you have explicitly consented to such use, we will use your email address to send you our newsletter at regular intervals. Indicating an email address will be sufficient to receive the newsletter.

Unsubscribing from our newsletter is possible at any time, e.g. using a link at the end of each newsletter or by sending us an unsubscribing request by email.

c. Using the request form

If there are any questions, we offer the option to contact us via the provided request form on our website. In such a case, your personal data transmitted in the request will be stored.

d. Using the form to join our group or to identify yourself as a bondholder

If you complete this form, we process the data requested in the form (first name, last name, etc.) for the purpose for which you submit it. Your personal data transmitted in the form will be stored.

e. Using the form to improve coordination among creditors

If you complete this form, we process the data requested in the form (first name, last name, etc.) for the purpose for which you submit it. Your personal data transmitted in the form will be stored.

3. Datatransfer and transfer of data abroad

In the context of our business activities and in line with the purposes of the data processing set out in section 2, we may transfer data to third parties, insofar as such a transfer is permitted and we deem it appropriate, in order for them to process data for us or, as the case may be, their own purposes. In particular, the following categories of recipients may be concerned:

  • our service providers, including processors (such as e.g. IT providers);
  • contractors and other business partners;
  • domestic and foreign authorities or courts;
  • other parties in possible or pending legal proceedings;

together “Recipients”.

The Recipients may, under their own responsibility, disclose personal data to their agents and/or delegates (the “Sub-Recipients”), which shall process the personal data for the sole purposes of assisting the Recipients in providing their services to the controller and/or assisting the Recipients in fulfilling their own legal obligations.

The Recipients may be located either inside or outside Switzerland and the European Economic Area (the “EEA”). Where the Recipients are located outside Switzerland and the EEA in a country which does not ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data or does not benefit from an adequacy decision of the Swiss Federal Council, the controller has taken the appropriate measures (e.g. entering into legally binding transfer agreements with the relevant Recipients) unless the controller can rely on an exception. An exception may apply for example in case of legal proceedings abroad, but also in cases of overriding public interest or if the performance of a contract requires disclosure, or if you have consented.

The Recipients and Sub-Recipients may, as the case may be, process the personal data as data processors (when processing the personal data on behalf and upon instructions of the controller and/or the Recipients), or as distinct controllers (when processing the personal data for their own purposes, namely fulfilling their own legal obligations).

4. Cookies

Cookies are small files that your browser will create automatically and that are stored on your end device (laptop, tablet, Smartphone or similar) when you visit our website. We use the information these cookies collect to make our web pages load faster, to improve our website, enhance user experience and to provide you with services for which cookies are necessary, such as contact forms.

We use both session and persistent cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device even after your browser session has been terminated. This enables us to recognise you automatically in your next session and to display the website with your preferred settings (e.g. your choice of language). Our aim is to make our website more user-friendly, efficient and secure. The cookies are stored on your device for a period of between one month and ten years and are automatically deleted once they expire.

By configuring your browser accordingly, you have the possibility at all times to disable the acceptance of cookies or of receiving a warning before each acceptance of a cookie and thus of determining whether or not you accept the cookie concerned. Our services can generally be used also without the acceptance of cookies. However, the use of certain functionalities can be limited if cookies are disabled.

5. Your rights

In accordance with and as far as provided by applicable law, you have the right to access, rectification and erasure of your personal data, the right to restriction of processing or to object to our data processing in addition to a right to receive certain personal data for transfer to another controller (data portability). Please note, however, that we reserve the right to enforce statutory restrictions on our part, for example if we are obliged to retain or process certain data, have an overriding interest (insofar as we may invoke such interests) or need the data for asserting claims. If you have given us your consent to process your personal data for certain purposes (for example when registering to receive Newsletters), we will process your personal data within the scope of and based on this consent, unless we have another legal basis, provided that we require one. Consent given can be withdrawn at any time, but this does not affect data processed prior to withdrawal.

In order to assert these rights, please contact us at the addresses provided in section 1 above.

In addition, every data subject has the right to enforce his/her rights in court or to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority. The competent data protection authority of Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (

6. Data security

We use suitable security measures to protect the personal data that we collect on the users of our website. The data we collect is stored on secure servers.

We have appropriate technical and organisational security measures in place to protect against loss, destruction or manipulation of data.

Your data is also protected against access, amendment or dissemination by unauthorised persons. All data that you submit to us when signing up to newsletters or using contact forms is encrypted during transmission. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security standard during transmission; this is supported by most browsers.

In the knowledge that the online transfer of information always entails a degree of security risk, we strive to continually improve our security measures in line with technological developments.

7. Changes to this data privacy policy

This data privacy policy has last been updated on 18 July 2024.

We may amend this privacy policy at any time without prior notice. The current version published on our website shall apply.